Dr. Dennis Gross

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The doctor is in for your skin. Welcome to our extraordinary collection at Skincare by Alana of Dr. Dennis Gross skin care products developed by the renowned New York City dermatologist. He has devoted his life to the science of skin care, and we're delighted that you can now benefit from his unmatched expertise.

Our Dr. Dennis Gross line of skin care includes his trademarked Chelating Complex designed to detoxify skin for free radicals found in water. After discovering how many harsh chemical peels had led to "over-exfoliation" among his patients, Dr. Gross created his trademarked

Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel to gently, safely exfoliate skin. All Dr. Gross skin care products are designed to produce visible results in just a few days, and healthy, long-term benefits after 30 days. Shop now for these expert skin solutions. 

Dr. Gross’ background as a skin cancer researcher and product formulator, coupled with daily patient interaction in his NYC practice, gives him experience and foresight to develop stellar formulas that permanently improve any complexion. Multiple, concentrated ingredients instilled into each formula alleviate various concerns, fight again and repair. High concentrations of vitamins, antioxidants and botanicals enhance penetration and performance.

The only skincare line with an exclusive Chelating Complex™ to detoxify skin from free radicals found in water. Visible results, such as a noticeable difference in skin health and clarity, will be apparent after just 3 days of use. Long-term, cumulative benefits will be achieved after 30 days. Skin will continue to improve over time. Like exercise, best results are achieved through consistent and/or daily use. Formulas are multi-functional gender neutral and benefit all skin types and ages. Many products achieve more than one purpose, such as a cleanser that doubles as a toner and makeup remover.

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